
Source of scores :

'Madrigali de la fama a quattro voce composti novamente da diversi eccellentissimi musici con iudicio raccolti et con diligentia stampati. Fora del solito modo corretti, come a ciascuno facendone prova sara palese.'

({RISM} - 1548_08)

Editer/printer : Scotto, Girolamo (Venetië, 1548)

Relations :

  • Is also described as: {Bernstein} - 72 : Madrigali de la Fama a quattro voce, Scotto, Girolamo (Venetië), 1548 (#W:6)

  • Libraries where this source can be found :
    1. D-Mbs : Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich (Germany) - (bron: RISM)
    Scores: S, A, T, B
    Score available on the internet:
    . ---> Search Google with this search item: bsb00071899
    . ---> Direct link: click here.

    References :

    References with citation/comment:

    1 : RISM - B/1 - Recueils Imprimés XVIe - XVIIe siècles - I. Liste Chronologique. (Henle Verlag, G., München - Duisburg, 1960, RISM) - p.165
    : Format : 4 vol. In 8° obl., 20 f.
    With works of F. Manara (11), C. da Rore (6), F. Viola (18)

    Page last updated : 5/04/2016 15:44:25
    My code : #Bron_6711