Source of scores :

'Sacrae cantiones seu moteta (ut vocant) non minus instrumentis quam vocibus aptae, liber unus.'

({RISM} - R2477 (1573))

Editer/printer : Phalesius, Pierre en Bellère, Jean (Antwerpen, 1573)

Libraries where this source can be found :
1. D-brd Bhm : Staatliche Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst, Bibliothek, Berlin (Germany) - (bron: RISM)
Scores: S [fehlt Titelblatt]

2. D-W : Herzog-August-Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel (Germany) - (bron: RISM)
Scores: Contra-T, 5 [p. 18-73]

3. E-Mc : Biblioteca del Conservatorio, Madrid (Spain) - (bron: RISM)
Scores: kpl.: S, T, Contra-T, B, 5

4. GB Lbl(bm) : The British Library (ehem. British Museum), London (United Kingdom) - (bron: RISM)
Scores: S, T, B, 5

References :

References without citation:

1 : RISM - A/I/7 - Einzeldrucke vor 1800 - Band 7 (Plowden - Schreyer) (Bärenreiter, Kassel, Basel, Tours, London, 1978, RISM) , ISBN: 3-7618-568-3 - p.236

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