Source of scores :


({Lewis_2} - 213)

Editer/printer : Gardano, Antonio (Venetië, 1555)

Relations :

  • Principal description: {RISM} - 1555_28 : Madrigali a tre voci de diversi eccellentissimi autori novamente dati in luce, et con ogni diligentia stampati et corretti., Gardano, A (Venetië), 1555

  • Works of C. De Rore in this source :

    Following: Lewis, Mary S. (1997) :
    . p. 3-4 : Gravi pene in amor (2p Io dico e dissi), 3vv (Madrigaal) - [0, 2 Refs., , +Tn]
    . p. 5-6 : Tutto'l dì piango (2p Lasso, che pur), 3vv (Madrigaal) - [1, 1 Ref., , +Tne]

    References :

    References without citation:

    1 : Lewis, Mary S., Antonio Gardano, Venetian Music printer - 1538-1569 - A Descriptive Bibliography and Historic Study, Volume 2 (1550-1559) (Routledge , 1997) , ISBN: 082408456X (ISBN-13: 978-0824084561)

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