De Rore : Discography

'Sonate Canzoni e Madrigali Diminuiti - Italie c.1600'

Type : CD

Label: Syrius - 141328

Performers :
- Ensemble Continuum

Work of C. De Rore:
- Track 8 : Anchor che col partire, 4vv (Madrigaal) - [268, 16 Refs., , +Tne] (cembalo, with improvisations by the performer)
- Track 9 : Anchor che col partire, 4vv (Madrigaal) - [268, 16 Refs., , +Tne] (Arrangement: Giovanni Bassano)
- Track 10 : Anchor che col partire, 4vv (Madrigaal) - [268, 16 Refs., , +Tne] (Arrangement: Giovanni Battista Bovicelli)

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