
Barblan, Guglielmo - Laterza, Agostina Zecca : The Tarasconi Codex in the Library of the Milan Conservatory

in : Musical Quarterly (MQ), 1974; LX: 195-221

Mentions sources of the works of De Rore :

Reference mentioned in :

- Musical Quarterly (MQ)
page: Oxford Journals: Barblan, Guglielmo - Laterza, Agostina Zecca : The Tarasconi Codex ...

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Cites the following sources works of De Rore

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1 : {Census} - MilC s.s. (Olim 'Tarasconi Codex'; 'Clerici Codex') : '{Census} - MilC s.s. (Olim 'Tarasconi Codex'; 'Clerici Codex')'

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