

Borgerding, Todd : Gender, Sexuality, and Early Music

Routledge , 2002, ISBN: 0815333943, ISBN-13: 978-0815333944

297 p.

Mentions works of De Rore :

Reference mentioned in :

- Schiltz, Katelijne : Rore, Rorus, Cipriano, Ciprianus, de (MGG) (Schiltz, Katelijne (1999–2007)) :
'= Cnticism and Analysis of Early Music 4'

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Cites the following works of De Rore

1 : Da le belle contrade d'oriente, 5vv (Madrigaal) - [12, 12 Refs., , +Tne]
- p. 145-147

2 : Lieta vivo e contenta, 6vv (Madrigaal) - [1, 5 Refs., , +T]
- p. 9-13

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