

Newcomb, Anthony : Is "Il desiderio e la speranza" by Cipriano de Rore?

in : Journal of the Alamire Foundation - Volume 9, Number 2, Autumn 2017: Theme: Cipriano De Rore I, 219-238 (2017)

Mentions sources of the works of De Rore :
Mentions works of De Rore : -->

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Cites the following sources works of De Rore

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1 : {RISM} - 1566_02 : 'Primo Libro de diversi eccellent.mi auttori a quattro Voci, intitulato Il Desiderio. Novamente posti in luce, per Giulio Bonagionta . . .'

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Cites the following works of De Rore

1 : Era il bel viso suo (2p E ne la face), 4vv (Madrigaal) - [3, 2 Refs., , +Tne]

2 : Il desiderio e la speranza, 4vv (Madrigaal) - [0, 1 Ref., , +T]

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