
Parnell, Pierre Henri : Cipriano de Rore's Second Book of Four- Voiced Madrigals, 1557, Ph.D. Dissertation

1991 (circa), ISBN: 0315710004 : 'In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts, School of Music. - Thesis (M.A.)--University of Victoria, 1991. - Includes bibliography. - Microfiche.Ottawa: National Library of Canada,19922 microfiches; 11 X - 15 cm. Canadian theses. Book Details: Language: eng Physical Description: vii, 121 leaves : music. Subjects:

Cette source est entièrement dédié à De Rore.

Référence mentionnée dans :

- Chew, Geofrey : Geoffrey Chew's website : Monteverdi bibliography (
Monteverdi bibliography)

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