Persoon of Groep

Cambridge University Press

Uitgever/Drukker van :

  • Collins Judd, Cristle (2000) : Reading Renaissance Music Theory. Hearing with the eyes., ISBN: 0 521 77144 7 (ISBN-13: 978-0521771443) (Cambridge University Press)
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  • Fenlon, Iain - Haar, James (1988) : The Italian Madrigal in the Early Sixteenth Century - Sources and Interpretation, ISBN: 0 521 25228 8 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, New-York, New-Rochelle, Melbourne, Sydn)
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  • Fenlon, Iain (1980 (digitally printed version: 2008)) : Music and Patronage in the Sixteenth-Century Mantua - Volume I, ISBN: 978-0-521-08833-6 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Signapore, São Paulo, Dehli)
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  • Pagina laatst bewerkt : 4/02/2016 13:19:32
    Eigen code : #Pers_1992