

Göllner, Theodor - Schmid, Bernhold : Die Münchner Hofkapelle des 16. Jahrhunderts im europäischen Kontext. Bericht über das internationale Symposium der Musikhistorischen Kommission der Bayerischen Akademie des Wissenschaften in Verbindung mit der Gesell

Verlag der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Munchen, 2006

Referentie vermeld in :

- Fisher, A.J. : The Munich court chapel (
Fisher, A.J. (2009)) :
'A number of essays encourage us to think of sources not simply as musical repositories, but as unified projects meaningfull in and of themselves. For example, Reinhold Schlötterer sees the Venetian printer Angelo Gardano's 1576 madrigal anthology as a well-considered gift of musical rarities to the music-loving Duke Albrecht V of Bavaria. That Cipriano De Rore, whose name appears in the largest type on Gardano's title-page, was a favourite of Albrecht needs no further confirmation than Mus.s.B of the Bavaria State Library, which is devoted exclusively to Rore's motets and is lavishly illuminated by Hans Mielich (its companion,, contains Lassus's Penitential psalms, likewise a part of Albrecht's musica reservata. Jessie Ann Owens makes a convincing case that one of Rore's motets in this manuscript, Mirabar solito, was in fact the gift attached to an obsequious lettre from Rore to Albrecht that she discovered years ago in the Bavarian States Archives. More importantly, she is able to show that the letter, the motet, and the manuscript's illuminations form a coherent programme elevating Albrecht as the leader of the Muses.'

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