
De muziek van Cypriaan De Rore

Clamabat autem mulier

A. Type: Motet
B. Aantal stemmen: 5vv
Ct. Tekst: : Lezen
D. Mogelijk niet van De Rore

E. Te vinden in de muziekbundel(s):

volgens: Lewis, Mary S. (1988) :
- 1549 : {Lewis_1} - 134 : 'RORE. MOTETTI A 5 LIB. III°'

volgens: Meier, Bernardus (1959) :
- 1549 : {RISM} - 1549_08 : 'Il terzo libro di Motetti a cinque voci di Cipriano de Rore, et de altri eccellentissimi musici, novamente ristampato, con una buona gionta de motetti novi.'

F. Moderne partituur:

See 'Meier, Bernardus : Cipriani Rore Opera Omnia, Vol I : Motets' : p.143

  • Inhoud van dit volume van Meier
  • American Institute of Musicology : Uitgave De Rore (B. Meier)

    I. Incipit: M_1_143.jpg Bron : 'Meier, Bernardus : Cipriani Rore Opera Omnia', American Institute of Musicology

    J. Discografie:

    1 - ' Cristobal de Morales: Geistliche Werke ' : [toegeschreven aan Morales] , Freiburger Vokalensemble, Instrumentalensemble Ludus Venti, Köln, Bernard Marx, Wolfgang Schäfer (Christophorus)
    2 - ' La Sacqueboute , Les Sacqueboutiers de Toulouse, Michel Becquet (Naïve)
    3 - ' Lo Splendore D'Italia ' : [De Rore ? Morales ?] , The Whole Noyse (Intrada)
    4 - ' Morales: Missa queramus cum pastoribus ' : [Op deze cd toegeschreven aan Morales] , James O'Donnell, Choir of Westminster Cathedral (Hyperion)
    5 - ' Motette und Madrigale der Renaissance - Josquin Des Prés - Cyprian de Rore , Die Prager Madrigalisten, Miroslav Venhoda (Intercord)
    6 - ' Virgo Maria - Dialogue motets of Cristobal de Morales ' : [Hier toegeschreven aan Morales] , Consortium Carissimi (Gaudeamus)

    L. Referenties:

    Referenties met citaat/commentaar:

    1 : Meier, Bernardus, Cipriani Rore Opera Omnia, Vol I : Motets (American Institute of Musicology (AIM), 1959)
    - p.143 : 'Rore ?'

    2 : Owens, Jessie Ann, Cipriano De Rore (The New Grove) (, 2001)
    in : Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, The New -, (NG), Second Edition (published in twenty-nine volumes in the year 2001), Edited by Stanley Sadie, Executive Editor John Tyrell, (2001) : '. . . two motets published in 1549 became associated with de Rore through mistakes in the print transmission (Clamabat autem mulier is by Morales; Virtute magna remains anonymous). Most of these pieces are uncharacteristic of his style, but even more telling is that most employ combinations of clefs or tonal types not represented elsewhere among his securely attributed works'

    Pagina laatst bewerkt : 23/05/2023 20:03:06
    Eigen code : #6269 (M_1_143)