De muziek van Cypriaan De Rore

Concordes adhibete animos

A. Type: Motet
B. Aantal stemmen: 5vv
Ct. Tekst: (met vertaling in het Nederlands) : Lezen

E. Te vinden in de muziekbundel(s):

volgens: Meier, Bernardus (1971) :
- 1566 : {RISM} - 1566_17 : 'Di Cipriano Rore Il quinto libro de madregali a cinque voci insime alcuni e diversi autori. Novamente . . . Stampato & dato in luce.'

F. Moderne partituur:

See 'Meier, Bernardus : Cipriani Rore Opera Omnia, Vol V : Madrigali 3-8 vocum' : p.118

  • Inhoud van dit volume van Meier
  • American Institute of Musicology : Uitgave De Rore (B. Meier)

    I. Incipit: M_5_118.jpg Bron : 'Meier, Bernardus : Cipriani Rore Opera Omnia', American Institute of Musicology

    J. Discografie:

    1 - ' Willaert: Missa Mente tota & Motets , Cinquecento (Hyperion)

    L. Referenties:

    Referenties met citaat/commentaar:

    1 : Meier, Bernardus, Cipriani Rore Opera Omnia, Vol V : Madrigali 3-8 vocum (American Institute of Musicology (AIM), 1971)
    - p.118 : 'In mortem Adriani Willaert'

    2 : Schiltz, Katelijne, Harmonicos magis ac suaves nemo edidit unquam cantus. Cipriano de Rores Motette 'Concordes adhibete animos'. (, 2005)
    in : Archiv für Musikwissenschaft (AfMw), vol:62 (2005), issue:2 pages:111-136
    - p.Steiner Verlag: Schiltz : 'Although Rore’s posthumously published motet Concordes adhibete animos carries the heading in mortem Adriani Willaert, nowhere in its text is grief for the loss of the deceased composer mentioned. The spirited exclamation Vive Adriane decus Musarum, vive Adriane that stretches the length of the composition as a soggetto ostinato seems equally at odds with the stated occasion in the composition’s heading. This led Bernhard Meier to the conclusion that a secunda pars, in which the death of Willaert is lamented, has since been lost; the arguments he puts forth to strengthen this hypothesis relate to the modality of the piece. This article by contrast draws on musical and intertextual considerations that speak for the completeness of the work and interpret its text as a posthumous panegyric. The style of Rore’s motet also suggests that he wished to uphold the memory of Willaert’s achievements and to guarantee the survival of Willaert’s music. In his homage to il divino Adriano, Rore made Willaert’s style through the use of the ostinato, the special treatment of word-sounds, and the texture of the entire musical construction indeed his own.'

    Referenties zonder citaat:

    3 : Meier, Bernardus, Cipriani Rore Opera Omnia, Vol V : Madrigali 3-8 vocum (American Institute of Musicology (AIM), 1971)
    - p.XV

    4 : Swigchem, Lineke (Van), Io canterei d'amor si novamente: de madrigalen van Cipriano De Rore (, Doctoraalscriptie, Universiteit van Amsterdam, 1993)
    - p.140

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