
Source of scores :

'Madrigali a cinque voci, nuovamente ristampati, et con ogni diligentia corretti con la gionta'

({RISM} - R2489 (1544))

Editer/printer : Scotto, Girolamo (Venetië, 1544)

Relations :

  • Is also described as: {Bernstein} - 46 : Rore, Madrigali a cinque voci, Scotto, Girolamo (Venetië), 1544 (#W:24)

  • Reprint :

  • {RISM} - R2493 (1562) : Il terzo libro de madrigali a cinque voci . . . novamente ristampati, & con ogni diligentia coretti., 1562

  • Libraries where this source can be found :
    1. GB-Lbl : British Library, London (United Kingdom) - (bron: CatBritLib)
    Scores: B

    2. US-BE : University of California, Berkeley (Calif.) (USA) - (bron: RISM)
    Scores: A

    References :

    References with citation/comment:

    1 : RISM - A/I/7 - Einzeldrucke vor 1800 - Band 7 (Plowden - Schreyer) (Bärenreiter, Kassel, Basel, Tours, London, 1978, RISM) , ISBN: 3-7618-568-3 - p.237
    : 'enhält 17 Madrigale von de Rore und 10 Madrigale von anderen Komponisten'
    'Sammeldruck, printed collection, recueil imprimé'

    References without citation:

    2 : The Catalogue of Printed Music in the British Library to 1980 - Volume 49 (ROON-SAC) (K G Saur, London, München, New York, Paris, 1986) , ISBN: 0 86291 346 2 - p.21

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