

Fisher, A.J. : The Munich court chapel

in : Early Music (EM), 2009, vol.37, iss.1, pg113-114

Mentions sources of the works of De Rore :
Mentions works of De Rore : -->
- Göllner, Theodor - Schmid, Bernhold (2006) : Die Münchner Hofkapelle des 16. Jahrhunderts im europäischen Kontext. Bericht über das internationale Symposium der Musikhistorischen Kommission der Bayerischen Akademie des Wissenschaften in Verbindung mit der Gesell (Verlag der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Munchen) (Göllner, Theodor - Schmid, Bernhold (2006))

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Cites the following sources works of De Rore

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1 : {Census} - MunBS B : '{Census} - MunBS B'

2 : {RISM} - 1576_05 : 'Musica di XIII. Autori Illustri a cinque Voci, novamente per Angelo Gardano raccolta et data in luce. Nella quale se contengono i pù belli madrigali; che hoggidi si cantano . . .'

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Cites the following works of De Rore

1 : Mirabar solito - Virtutum ante alios, 6vv (Motet) - [2, 3 Refs., , +Tne]

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