

Bossuyt, Ignace : O socii durate: a Musical Correspondence from the Time of Philip II

in : Early Music (EM), XXVI (1998), 432–44

Mentions works of De Rore :

Reference mentioned in :

- Owens, Jessie Ann : Cipriano De Rore (The New Grove) (Owens, Jessie Ann (2001))
- Schiltz, Katelijne : Rore, Rorus, Cipriano, Ciprianus, de (MGG) (Schiltz, Katelijne (1999–2007))

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Cites the following works of De Rore

1 : O socii neque enim (2p Per varios casus), 5vv (Madrigaal) - [5, 5 Refs., , +Tnfe]

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