
Newcomb, Anthony : Posthumous Rore: Variation and Variety in three Madrigals (1566-1576)

in : Symposium : Cipriano De Rore at the Crossroads - München, Orff-Zentrum und Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (20.-21. März 2014): Programma en abstracts., (2014)

This source is completely devoted to De Rore.
Mentions works of De Rore :

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Cites the following works of De Rore

1 : Alme gentili, 5vv (Madrigaal) - [0, 3 Refs., , +T]

2 : Che giova dunque, 5vv (Madrigaal) - [0, 5 Refs., , +Tne]

3 : Se com'il biondo crin, 5vv (Madrigaal) - [2, 2 Refs., , +Tne]

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