The music of Cipriano De Rore

Regina caeli laetare

A. Type: Motet
B. Number of voices: 3vv
Ct. Text: (with translation in Dutch French English) : Read

E. To be found in the following score sources:

following: CMME Project(The) - Dumitrescu (e.a.), Theodor :
- {Census} - ParisBNC 851 ("Bourdeney Manuscript") : '{Census} - ParisBNC 851 ("Bourdeney Manuscript")'

following: Lewis, Mary S. (1997) :
- 1551 : {Lewis_2} - 160 : 'WILLAERT. FANTASIE RECERCARI A 3'
- 1559 : {Lewis_2} - 253 : 'WILLAERT. FANTASIE, RECERCARI A 3'

following: Meier, Bernardus (1977) :
- 1551 : {RISM} - 1551_16 : 'Fantasie Recercari Contrapunti a tre voci di M. Adriano et de altri autori appropriati per cantare et sonare d'ogni sorte di stromenti, con dui Regina celi, l'uno di M. Adriano et l'altro di M. Cipriano, sopra uno medesmo canto fermo, novamente dati in luce, et per Antonio Gardane con ogni diligentia stampati. Libro primo.'
- 1559 : {RISM} - 1559_25 : 'Fantasie Recercari Contrapunti a tre voci di M. Adriano & de altri autori appropriati per cantare & sonare d'ogni sorte di stromenti, con dui Regina celi, l'uno di M. Adriano & l'altro di M. Cipriano, sopra uno medesmo Canto Fermo, novamente per Antonio Gardano ristampati. Libro primo.'

F. Modern score:

See 'Meier, Bernardus : Cipriani Rore Opera Omnia, Vol VIII : Psalmi, Cantica B.M.V., Cantiones Gallicae, etc' : p.34

  • Contents of this volume of Meier
  • American Institute of Musicology : Uitgave De Rore (B. Meier)

    I. Incipit: M_8_34.jpg Source: 'Meier, Bernardus : Cipriani Rore Opera Omnia', American Institute of Musicology

    J. Discography:

    1 - ' Sacred Hearts, Sacred Music - Music by Palestrina and de Rore , Musica Secreta, Celestial Sirens, Laurie Stras, Deborah Roberts (Divine Art Records)

    L. References:

    References with citation/remark:

    1 : Meier, Bernardus, Cipriani Rore Opera Omnia, Vol VIII : Psalmi, Cantica B.M.V., Cantiones Gallicae, etc (American Institute of Musicology (AIM), 1977)
    - p.X : 'Rore's only setting of the Antiphona finalis Beatae Mariae Virginis, likewise belonging to the liturgy of the office, is to be added to the Magnificat settings. It is the Regina caeli laetare, come down incomplete in RISM 1551_16, and complete in the later editions of this print. This work, again based on the liturgical melody, shows at the same time the close connection between Rore and his teacher Willaert: both masters have set the antiphon Regina caeli to music in the same source and have made use of the same tenor voice, which therefore appears only once in the source, valid for both compositions.'

    2 : Owens, Jessie Ann, Cipriano De Rore (The New Grove) (, 2001)
    in : Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, The New -, (NG), Second Edition (published in twenty-nine volumes in the year 2001), Edited by Stanley Sadie, Executive Editor John Tyrell, (2001) : 'De Rore is usually described as a pupil of Willaert’s, though the evidence is scanty. Paolo Vergelli’s dedication of the Scotto edition of the composer’s third book of madrigals to Gottardo Occagna (15489) includes the phrase ‘con alcuni [madrigali] del divinissimo Adriano Villaerth, et de altri suoi discepoli’ and he is again referred to as Willaert’s disciple on the title page of Fantasie, et recerchari a tre voci (1549_34). ‘Discepolo’ may, however, simply mean ‘a follower of Willaert’s practice’ (Feldman, 1995, p.xxviii). (It is worth noting that the two composers’ three-voice settings of Regina caeli in that print use identical tenors.) Whatever the nature of his relations with Willaert, he had clear connections with the group of musicians and composers that Lewis has described as the ‘Willaert circle’. '

    References without citation:

    3 : Feldman, Martha, City Culture and the Madrigal at Venice (University of California Press, Berkeley, Los Angeles, London, 1995) , ISBN: 0-520-08314-8
    - p.310n. 55

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