La musique de Cipriano De Rore
Missa Vivat felix Hercules
A. Type:
B. Nombre de voix:
E. Se trouve dans les sources de partitions suivantes:
suivant: _Onderzoek van de bron (internet) door Arnold Loose en/of Wim Daeleman (2016) :
1560 (ca.) :
BSB 9 (ca. 1560)
: 'BSB 9 (ca. 1560)'
suivant: Meier, Bernardus (1966) :
+/- 1560 :
{Meier_VII} - Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Mus. Ms. 9 (Maier No. 15)
: '{Meier_VII} - Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Mus. Ms. 9 (Maier No. 15)'
F. Partition moderne:
See 'Meier, Bernardus : Cipriani Rore Opera Omnia, Vol VII : Missae' : p.32
Contenu de cette volume de Meier
American Institute of Musicology : Uitgave De Rore (B. Meier)
H. Contient les parties:
Missa Vivat felix Hercules : 1 Kyrie, 5vv (Misdeel) - [1, 0 Refs., , +Tne]
Missa Vivat felix Hercules : 2 Gloria, 5vv (Misdeel) - [1, 0 Refs., , +Tnfe]
Missa Vivat felix Hercules : 3 Credo, 5vv (Misdeel) - [1, 0 Refs., , +Tnfe]
Missa Vivat felix Hercules : 4 Sanctus, 5vv (Misdeel) - [1, 0 Refs., , +Tne]
Missa Vivat felix Hercules : 5 Agnus Dei, 5vv (Misdeel) - [2, 0 Refs., , +Tne]
J. Discographie:
1 - '
Cipriano de Rore : Missa Vivat Felix Hercules, Nulla scientia melior, Six madrigals (Cappella Cordina)
, Cappella Cordina, Enrique Planchart (Musical Heritage Society)
L. Références:
Références avec citation/commentaire:
1 : Owens, Jessie Ann,
Cipriano De Rore (The New Grove)
(, 2001)
in : Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, The New -, (NG), Second Edition (published in twenty-nine volumes in the year 2001), Edited by Stanley Sadie, Executive Editor John Tyrell, (2001)
: 'Two extraordinary masses securely date from the period of his tenure in Ferrara (1546–59), probably from the mid-1550s. These are the two masses composed in honour of Duke Ercole: the five-voice Missa Vivat felix Hercules and the seven-voice Missa Praeter rerum seriem. In both masses, de Rore acknowledged his status as maestro di cappella at the court of Ferrara and thus as inheritor of the position held by his great predecessor, Josquin des Prez. He paid double homage to his patron and to Josquin himself, while at the same time, through artistic means, seeking to surpass Josquin. [. . .] Missa Vivat felix Hercules employs a cantus firmus that is a soggetto cavato dalle vocali, like Josquin’s mass for Ercole I, Missa Hercules dux Ferrariae'
2 : Abraham, Gerald,
The New Oxford History of Music, IV, The age of humanism; 1540-1630
(Oxford University Press, London, New York, Toronto, 1968)
- p.288
: met muziekvoorbeeld op p.289 (ex.106)
Références sans citation:
3 : Bossuyt, Ignace,
De Vlaamse polyfonie
(Davidsfonds , Leuven, 1994)
, ISBN: 90-6152-843-7
- p.146
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