
Owens, Jessie Ann : Margaret of Austria and Cipriano de Rore (MedRen 2022)


Citeert werken van De Rore:

Referentie vermeld in :

- Rore, Cypriaan (De) : Alma real, se come fida stella
- Rore, Cypriaan (De) : Mentre la prima mia novella etade
- Rore, Cypriaan (De) : Vieni dolce Himineo

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Citeert de volgende werken van De Rore

1 : Alma real, se come fida stella, 5vv (Madrigaal) - [1, 10 Refs., , +Tne]

2 : Mentre la prima mia novella etade, 4vv (Madrigaal) - [0, 2 Refs., , +T]

3 : Ne l'aria in questi dì fatt'ho un sì forte, 4vv (Madrigaal) - [Rore?, 3, 4 Refs., , +Te]
- : Owens: "In short, this piece does not fit the profile of late Cipriano. . ; . .I propose to remove Ne l’aria in questi di both from the list of pieces for the Farnese and from the list of Cipriano’s authentic works." This deduced J.A.owens from a set of characteristics of De Rore’s late style by Anthony Newcomb (named by him as a 'compendium'). This besides another argument based on chronological facts: "Persoens started in Farnese service in 1563 and could easily have composed it in 1565, perhaps giving a copy of his setting to Cipriano for comments." (J.A.Owens)

4 : Vieni dolce Himineo, 5vv (Madrigaal) - [2, 5 Refs., , +Tne]

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