
De muziek van Cypriaan De Rore

Un'altra volta la Germania strida

A. Type: Madrigaal
B. Aantal stemmen: 4vv
Ct. Tekst: (met vertaling in het Nederlands Engels) : Lezen

E. Te vinden in de muziekbundel(s):

volgens: CMME Project(The) - Dumitrescu (e.a.), Theodor :
- {Census} - ParisBNC 851 ("Bourdeney Manuscript") : '{Census} - ParisBNC 851 ("Bourdeney Manuscript")'

volgens: Lewis, Mary S. (1997) :
- 1557 : {Lewis_2} - 231 : 'RORE. II° LIBRO DE MADREGALI A 4'

volgens: Meier, Bernardus (1969) :
- 1557 : {RISM} - 1557_24 : 'Di Cipriano de Rore il secondo libro de madregali a quatro voci con una canzon di Gianneto sopra di Pace non trovo con quatordeci stance novamente per Antonio Gardano stampato e dato in luce.'

volgens: Vogel, Emil (1892 (2de uitg., 1977)) :
- 1569 : {Vogel} - 52 : '(1569) CANTO | DI CIPRIANO DE RORE IL SECONDO LIBRO DE' MADRIGALI A QVATTRO VOCI | CON VNA CANZON DI GIANNETTO (!) | Di Quatordeci Stanze Sopra di Pace non trouo, | NVOVAMENTE CON OGNI | DILIGENTIA RISTAM-PATO. | LIBRO (Drz) SECONDO | IN VENETIA, Appresso Claudio da Correggio. | MDLXVIIII.'
- 1571 : {Vogel} - 53 : '(1571) CANTO | DI CIPRIANO DE RORE | IL SECONDO LIBRO DE MADRIGALI | A Quatro Voci, Con vna Canzon di Gianetto; sopra di Pace non trouo, Con | quatordeci stanze. Noua-mente con ogni dilligentia Ristampato. | A QVATRO (Drz) VOCI | CON GRATIA ET PRIVILEGIO | di Antonio Gardano. | 1571.'
- 1577 : {Vogel} - 51 : '(1577) TENOR | DI CIPRIANO DE RORE | IL SECONDO LIBRO DE MADREGALI | a quatro voci Con vna Canzon di Gianneto (!) sopra di Pace non trouo Con quatordeci | stanze Noua-mente per Antonio Gardano stampato et dato in luce. | CON GRATIA ET PRIVILEGIO | A QVATRO (Drz) VOCI | In Venetia Appresso di | Antonio Gardano. | 1557.'
- 1577 : {Vogel} - 54 : '(1577) TVTTI I MADRIGALI | DI CIPRIANO DI RORE | A QVATTRO VOCI, | SPARTITI ET ACCOMMODATI PER | sonar d'ogni sorte d'Instrumento perfetto, & per Qualunque studioso di Contrapunti (!). | Nouamente posti alle stampe. | (Drz) | In Venetia Apresso di Angelo Gardano. | 1577.'

F. Moderne partituur:

See 'Meier, Bernardus : Cipriani Rore Opera Omnia, Vol IV : Madrigali 3-8 vocum' : p.54

  • Inhoud van dit volume van Meier
  • American Institute of Musicology : Uitgave De Rore (B. Meier)

    I. Incipit: M_4_54.jpg Bron : 'Meier, Bernardus : Cipriani Rore Opera Omnia', American Institute of Musicology

    J. Discografie:

    1 - ' Cipriano de Rore: Vieni dolce Imeneo (La Compagnia del Madrigale) , La Compagnia del Madrigale (Glossa)

    L. Referenties:

    Referenties met citaat/commentaar:

    1 : La Via, Stefano, Cipriano De Rore as reader and as read - A Literary-Musical Study of Madrigals from Rore's Later Collections (1557-1566). (Princeton University-UMI Research Press, Ann Arbor (MI), 1991 (october))
    - p.432 : Here an english transation of the poem can be found

    2 : Swigchem, Lineke (Van), Io canterei d'amor si novamente: de madrigalen van Cipriano De Rore (, Doctoraalscriptie, Universiteit van Amsterdam, 1993)
    - p.143-152 : analyse

    3 : Einstein, Alfred, The Italian Madrigal (vertaald naar het Engels door Alexander H. Krappe, Roger H. Sessions en Oliver Strunk) (Princeton University Press, New Jersey, 1949)
    - p.392-393 : 'Strangely enough, Rore is the composer of two splendid political madrigals, not for five voices but for four, both in his second book. The first of these, which opens the print, has to do with the rebellion against Charles V of the German Protestant princes allied with France (l'aureo giglio) and announces to the emperor, in prophetic and flaming words, his certain victory: Un'altra volta la Germania strida. This composition can only have been written in 1543 or 1544, since toward the end of 1543 the war between Francis I and Charles V in northern Italy broke out afresh; or in 1546 or 1547, when hostilities began between Charles V and the Lutheran princes of the League of Schmalkalden. Thus in those days the madrigal could become a vehicle for political, if not for nationalistic, enthusiasm. But it is still stranger that Rore should have set that sonnet of Petrarch's: Fontana di dolore, albergo d'ira in which the gentle singer of Madonna Laura heaps abuse upon papal Rome as the home of all the vices and deceit, as a shameless harlot. How was this possible in the days of the Council of Trent? How was it possible to publish this madrigal, which could be interpreted only in a very actual sense? What powerful patron and protector was shielding Rore? Was it the Duke, who foresaw the future sufferings of his state under papal rule ? The composition could have been written only in Ferrara, and it was naturally put on the Index.' (+ complete text of the poem)

    Referenties zonder citaat:

    4 : Meier, Bernardus, Cipriani Rore Opera Omnia, Vol IV : Madrigali 3-8 vocum (American Institute of Musicology (AIM), 1969)
    - p.I, V

    5 : La Via, Stefano, Cipriano De Rore as reader and as read - A Literary-Musical Study of Madrigals from Rore's Later Collections (1557-1566). (Princeton University-UMI Research Press, Ann Arbor (MI), 1991 (october))
    - p.242-267

    6 : Meier, Bernardus, Staatskompositionen von Cyprian de Rore (, 1969)
    in : Tijdschrift van de Vereniging voor Nederlandse Muziekgeschiedenis, 21, p 81-118
    - p.96, 98-101

    7 : Nuernberger, L. Dean, The Five-Voiced Madrigals of Cipriano de Rore. (University of Michigan Press , 1963)
    - p.9-10

    8 : Einstein, Alfred, The Italian Madrigal (vertaald naar het Engels door Alexander H. Krappe, Roger H. Sessions en Oliver Strunk) (Princeton University Press, New Jersey, 1949)
    - p.423

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